10 reasons why websites still matter

websites can boost business online

Are you on Insta? Snapchat? TikTok? At a time when there are more and more social channels around with sparkly ways to grab attention, a website can feel like a boring, outdated option. But are websites really the dinosaur of the digital world? Can websites still boost your business?

I’m here to tell you that websites are definitely not past their sell-by date. Websites are very relevant today and could be the best way to boost your business online.

Here are ten good reasons why websites can boost your business.

You can be where your customers are

A business website is often referred to as your shopfront. I don’t think that is the best analogy right now with empty high streets and many stores displaying closed signs. A website is even more important than a shopfront today. A website is open 24/7 and can be found when your customer is at home or out and about. It showcases your products, your services and your brand. It boosts your business online. It is like a shopfront as it can grab someone’s attention and make them stop and decide whether to look further, or they can move somewhere else.

Your website reflects your business

If your website looks professional, so do you. It reflects your business and what it offers. Personally, I have decided not to contact a business because its website looked amateurish or unappealing. It can be a first impression for a business and we all know that first impressions count. Make sure it is up-to-date, accurate and enticing to avoid missing out on your target customers.

Social media is shallow

I’m not getting into the Instagram v reality debate here, simply that social media tends to have snackable content that moves quickly. If you want detailed information or to get an in-depth understanding of a business, their website is the place to go. Websites can contain stacks of content dating back years. You can provide more and more information on your website and you can link people from one page to another simply. This depth of content gives people reasons to visit your site again and again.

Your social media channels are important, but they should be used as a way of directing people to your website to find out more about your business. Use social media to grab attention and a website to inform in greater depth.

Customers search all the time

Google receives 3.8 million searches a minute. People are searching online all the time. They may be typing into Google or asking Alexa. They could be tapping their keyboard on their laptop or speaking into their device. Searching for information is constant, whether sitting at home or on the go. People expect you to have an online presence and it reflects badly if your business can’t be found.

Ensuring that your website is optimised for SEO will increase the likelihood of your target audience finding it. People want relevant information when they search, so using the most appropriate keywords as part of your SEO strategy makes a big difference.

Your competitors are likely to be nnline

As the old saying goes, “you’ve got to be in it to win it” and if your competitors have websites but you don’t, you’re already way behind in the race. Your website can highlight your business’ strengths and reasons that people should choose you rather than your competition. Make sure that your website works well, reads well and reflects your brand well – better than your competitors’ anyway.

Show a bit of personality

Your website is a great place to show off your brand values and personality. It’s so important to get your tone of voice right and to use design that suits your brand. You may need to sound official, authoritative and knowledgeable. Or your brand could be the antithesis to that – cheeky, playful and edgy. The words you choose and the persona that you display on your website will connect with your audience in different ways and it is important that they are appropriate to your business.

Add to basket

People can buy direct from you online. That’s massive, especially in 2020. Businesses have stayed afloat because of their websites this year. A global audience can find your products and buy them. Make sure that experience is a good one and they may come back time after time and recommend you to others. Websites provide a much-needed boost to your business online.

Build trust in your business

People tend to buy from people. A faceless website which seems insecure and, frankly, a bit dodgy, is not going to encourage people to spend their money with you. A website with a friendly, informative tone; which showcases its products and services clearly and invitingly; which looks professional and secure; which engages its audience with relevant and interesting content; which prompts them to act; will win the business over its opponents.

Trust is also a really important value for search engine ranking too. Google will recommend trusted sites above others, so make sure that is part of your SEO strategy.

Data day to day

A well-structured website won’t leave you guessing. The data will give you answers. You can see exactly what your visitors are looking at and where they are coming from. You can see which pages are grabbing their attention and for how long. If the bounce rate is high, you know that something isn’t working as you’d like so you can fix it. Analytics gives you in-depth knowledge, and that is powerful.

Websites are my thing!

If this all sounds a bit daunting, help is at hand. I can help to boost your business online. Drop me a line if you’d like any of the following services:

  • Website review
  • SEO research and action plan
  • Website content revamp
  • Brand personality and tone of voice guide

Websites are here to stay, so make sure that yours is working hard for you with engaging, relevant content to boost your business.

PS. If you like this website design and you are looking for something similar yourself, I recommend Andrew Sharratt Design.

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